Turner-White Photography is looking for 2019 Senior ROCKSTARS! Want to receive awesome portraits, great benefits, and an unique custom experience? Then check out the information below.........
To become a Senior ROCKSTAR you will sign an exclusive contract with Turner-White Photography to model and promote our studio. This means you can't have your senior portraits made anywhere else. We can make an exception if you HAVE to have one done for the yearbook. You also are not allowed to promote any other photographer while signed up with us as a ROCKSTAR. Otherwise, you are part of the Turner-White Photography Family, representing our custom boutique experience and exclusively representing Turner-White Photography.
When you become our ROCKSTAR you receive a Group MINI session in the spring and a FULL session in the summer. Yeah that is right, you get 2 sessions! After your first mini session, we will be blasting your image all over Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Next, you will be tagged which means you can put them as your profile pic, share them with the world, and let all of your friends know you are a model and ROCKSTAR for Turner-White Photography. Oh yeah, and we almost forgot to tell you the coolest part...you get a $50 referral credit for every referral we get back! Along with everything above you will be entered into our ROCKSTAR Perks Program where you will have the opportunity to earn cool prizes and free pictures!!!!!!
How to steps:
Step 1: Complete Application
Step 2: We will contact you to schedule consultation. At your consultation we will get to know you, find out who you are, and what you're all about. We offer a boutique experience, so we want to capture your unique personality in your portraits so they are as unique as you are
Step 3: Get accepted and pay $175 commitment investment. ($500 value)
Step 4: Schedule Spring and Summer Sessions
Step 5: Spring Group ROCKSTAR photo shoot. (Feb -April)/In this shoot you get to take some fun images and really get a feel for what your summer shoot will be like. So bring a variety, something fun, something glamorous and something casual, or just bring 3 of your favs. (Session included)
Step 6: Blast it out there. Your killer images are now ready to be shown off to your friends on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and ROCKSTAR cards. Moms and Dads can also promote us too. You will receive benefits for every successful referral. These could add up quickly. It should be no problem to get 2-3 referrals with very little work. For those of you that are overachievers, you could be rewarded specifically for milestones.
Step 7: Main Summer ROCKSTAR photo shoot. (June - Sept is best)This is your main photo shoot. Bring an outfit that will please your parents, and then some fun different outfits that express your personality and the things you are in to. (Session included)
Step 8: Safari Trip. (August - October - While school is out) Now it’s time for some straight up fun. We will take the ROCKSTARS to a special destination for their own special shoot for both group and individual shots. (Session included - with 3 referrals)
Step 9: Now your Private Screening and Order Appointment- Scheduled after the last shoot. Mom will cry and you will not believe how awesome you look. This is when you will select the images you want in your Custom Albums, on your walls, and to give as gifts for your friends and family.
Step 10: Schedule your FREE family session. Your Senior year might very well be your last at home. We believe family is important and would love to capture a memorable family portrait with the fall colors for you. (Jan-April) (After Senior Portrait Order)
Contact Aleatha, Marie, or Daniel with any questions:
Studio - 2525160027